You guys are all awesome. We’re just about at 100 votes and the feedback on my short has been really great so far. I hope you all are liking it!

If you missed it last week, we made the goal and I wrote TWO haikus about pie. They’re right HERE.

There’s still more to go though, voting doesn’t end until Nov 14. I want to keep the momentum going and see how far we can get from now until then.

So today’s new goal: reach 110 votes. I think that’s doable! If we could get another few comments in there, that would be great too.

What happens if we reach 110 votes?

I draw you a picture of pie!

Which will be hilarious considering my awful art skills. It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything, but do you all remember those bad sketches I posted way back when? They look like this:


So my picture of pie will be super ridiculous, I’m sure.

Let’s see if we can get to 110 votes today. If you’ve already voted, thanks so much! You can still help by commenting on the video if you haven’t already or by sharing the link with you friends on facebook, twitter, tumblr, etc.

Thanks for the support! This continues to be a lot of fun.

You can vote at the link below by clicking the Facebook LIKE button above the video. Thanks again!