I went and did a crazy thing. Well, maybe not completely crazy. But at least a little crazy.


Earlier this month I was perusing Twitter, like you do, and I came across this post on Badass Digest asking Where Are The Female Horror Filmmakers? Of course that’s going to get my attention so I went to see what it was about. Turns out it was about The ABC’s of Death Part 2’s search for a director. And it was basically calling me out.

I mean, I like making films. And I like horror.

It seemed like something I needed to do.

So after some late night texting, I recruited Stacee White (you guys remember Synced, right?) to help me figure this thing out. Over the course of the weekend the idea for M is for Misanthrope was born. In four days, with the help of some awesome friends, we pulled together this little short film.

It was beyond fun to make this thing. The shoot was a blast, it was a true pleasure to work with some incredible talent. I’m so grateful to everyone who helped bring this thing to life.

I’ll stop rambling now. That’s the backstory. This is the short film.


I hope you all like it!

It’s one of those vote based things so please consider hitting that little Like button above the video. And if you really enjoy it, please share with your friends and family. Facebook, twitter, you know the deal.

Thanks again to everyone who was a part of this and thank you all for your support!

Oh yeah, and Happy Halloween!