It’s been a few weeks since I’ve participated in Girl Talk Thursday with travel and everything happening but this weeks topic was just begging me to respond. In the beginning of September I wrote a GTT post about who my List of 5 would be. It was a serious amount of fun to not only think about, write about, and look up pictures for but also to read other people’s lists and realize that in some cases mine was just wrong. I didn’t include Eric the Vampire in my original list? What’s wrong with me?!

Now I have a chance to redeem myself. We’re doing it again. Only this time our lists are about those characters that we just can’t help drooling over. The fictional men who we just wish were real. Clearly Eric will be making this one. 

1. Vampire Eric

Sorry Bill but I’m an Eric girl all the way. 

2) Jaime Lannister

Nicolai Coster Waldau who will be playing Jaime in the upcoming HBO pilot Game of Thrones

From George R.R. Martin’s Song of Ice and Fire series. It takes a couple of books to warm up the guy but by book 5 I am all about him. 

3. Mr. Darcy

While I certainly prefer Colin Firth’s Mr. Darcy, I’ve pretty much been in love with the man since I read the book.

4. Han Solo

Easily one of my first character crushes. He’s just such a trouble maker! And the looks he gives Leia… make me melt every time.

5. Don Draper

Do you guys watch Mad Men yet? Seriously, get on that. Then I won’t have to explain why Don gets me all worked up. It’s self-evident.

Nostalgia Mention: Josh Hartnett in the Faculty

Since I still get made fun of for this one (rightly so, I’m sure) I may as well include him. But come on! He pulled apart a paper cutter and attacked an alien teacher with it! That was kind of badass. Right? Am I right? Shut up, I’m right.
There are lots and lots of others from movies and books and a bit of TV. I just need to stop here. I have lots of other things to do today! As much as I enjoy doing a google search for images of hot men. I feel like I should make a list of honorable mentions, past crushes, etc. Would definitely include the likes of Bud White, Malcolm Reynolds, Gambit, Robin Hood, various men from old Westerns, Rick Blaine, Jack Sparrow, Batman, Spike, a few British guys, and one or two characters from Shakespeare… others I’m sure.
See why I had to stop?