Red Velvet Cake

Oh man, guys, the cake is good. I feel like I’ve been on sugar overload for the last three days. I am extremely pleased with the results. First off, the frosting is amazing. It’s a perfect blend of tang from the cream cheese, sweetness from the absurd amount of sugar, and vanilla from, well, the vanilla. I adore it.

The vanilla bean experience was a fantastic one. I’m even in the process of making my own vanilla extract from the leftover bean. Should I be as excited as I am about this? I think so.

The cake itself is great. I was super paranoid about the baking time since our oven isn’t the most consistent and made sure to check it at precisely 25 minutes. To my surprise, it was actually ready right then so I pulled it out. Somehow I managed to not dry it out at all! It’s moist and wonderful. Personally I would almost like it to be more chocolately but I am kind of a chocolate freak. I’ve had no complaints from anyone else.

No complaints except from L who was a bit dismayed by the amount of sugar and butter and cream cheese involved. Not that she’s wrong in that, this is not a healthy dessert.

I almost never eat sweets like this so I honestly really don’t care. Since I generally try to go vegan in my baking so J can partake, a lot of what I do tends to be more on the healthier side (not that vegan is necessarily inherently healthy, I’ve still made some very unhealthy vegan treats. The healthy is just more likely in what I usually make). I’m perfectly happy to indulge every now and again.

I’m bringing some of the cake in to work tomorrow. We’ll see what my coworkers think!

If you’re curious to try this yourself, visit grammar monkey on her blog Do Not Feed the Editor. Actually, you should go visit her even if you don’t want to bake the cake. She’s awesome and entertaining and most definitely worth the visit.

While I was baking I did a mini “photo shoot” of the process. The pictures are up on Flickr for your viewing pleasure

Also for your viewing pleasure, more bad art! I’m sadly going to be slower on the uploading of my sketches since I don’t have easy access to a scanner at the moment. For Jeremiah’s sketch I actually took a picture with my phone and uploaded that. Not ideal, but whatever works!

Enjoy this for now! I’ve got another few coming and always feel free to add to the requests.

Jeremiah the Possum. 
He who lives outside my window.