This is a Girl Talk Thursday post! Mommy Melee explains.

To be honest, my shower/bath/bathroom routine is incredibly boring. I’m sort of the opposite of a girl when it comes to all of this stuff. My routine involves showering. Top to bottom: start with the hair, end with the feet. Sometimes I shave?

After the shower it’s just slap on the deodorant, mess some gel in my hair, and apply the Oil of Olay moisturizer with SPF 15 on my face.

Teeth brushing happens at some point. Hair drying usually doesn’t.

And that’s it. There’s no make-up, no extended routine or ritual. I like showers and all, I’m sort of OCD about taking them, but there’s nothing particularly special to report.

I like my Aveda shampoo and my Tom’s toothpaste. Although I have to admit that for financial reasons I’ve just been using random drugstore shampoo lately. I adore Lush anything but don’t really have the money for that either. And frankly, I’m too lazy to go through the routine of three different products to make me clean and soft and smelling nice. Um, those are all great things. But yeah, lazy. I settle for clean and the basic body wash.

Ha, somebody help me here? I’m feeling like I’m at a loss with this subject.

Actually, now that I’ve said that I know exactly what my shower time does for me, beyond the whole part where I get clean.

I have to shower every morning, almost always before I do anything else, not only because I’m really weird about having to be clean but also because it wakes up my mind. The creative part of me gets moving and shaking. I use the time in the shower to reflect on any dreams I may have had, go through them step by step as a way of remembering what they were.

More significantly, when I’m writing my shower time is when I think about what’s going on in my story. I think about my characters, consider where they’re at, and figure out where they’re going next. It’s an incredibly important part of my creative process because when I’m in the shower there is no distraction. There is no internet trying to tempt me, no phone ringing, no trucks driving by or gardeners mowing the lawn. There’s just the hot streaming water and myself.

I think through ideas and sometimes I’ll even live an entire conversation in my head. All that remains when I finish is to get on the computer and type it out.

So I really do need my showers. They are essential. Well, the showers yes. And the coffee. I can do nothing without my coffee.

The Shower (I like the window. And most of that stuff isn’t mine)

My shelf of stuff. I use maybe two of those things on a daily basis.

And the bathroom. A little small but not too bad for three girls.