Girl Talk Thursday! Yes, I know it’s Friday. My day yesterday allowed no time for the blogging. It was one of those 9 AM to Midnight kind of work days. Which between commute time and whatnot works out to something more like 8:30 AM to around 1 AM. So sorry for you, there was no Halloween-y-ness to be had here yesterday.

With everyone traveling today things are a little slower in the office. I’m literally the only person here. Other than the comical phone answering debacle* of ten minutes ago it’s pretty quiet.

*Imagine cubicles on opposite sides of the row. Then imagine me trying to answer the phones in both of them at the same time. PHONEANSWERFAIL.

But yes, HALLOWEEN. Anyone who knows me is probably aware that Halloween is only like one of my favorite holidays ever. I loves the dressing up! Last year was incredibly sad as I was working until around 11 on Halloween night. When I finally arrived at my neighbors party, frazzled and exhausted looking from a stressful work day, my answer to the question “What are you?” was “I’m an over-worked, under-paid assistant. I wish it was a costume.”

This year I have BIG costume plans to make up for last year’s lack. Not sure if I’m quite ready to reveal them yet as I’m still kind of deciding between two great ideas. I’m excited though. Don’t you doubt that.

I tried in vain to find recent costume pictures but I somehow managed to not take any over the last couple of years. Two years ago I was a “Princess Pirate” complete with plastic sword AND tiara. It was awesome. The year before that I was Door from Neil Gaiman’s novel Neverwhere. That costume was easily one of my favorites.

I wish I had pictures of either of those. In fact, I think pictures may exist on friends’s cameras. If anyone has any, please send them my way? I will love you forever!

I don’t have pictures of those but I DO have a couple of pictures from costumes in college. Check these out!

From Stuff

Yeah, I was totally a zombie school girl ala Stacy. You should have seen the looks I got as I walked across campus. Especially from the girls who were dressed as Serious School Girls. What is up with college girls dressing like skanky school girls? Don’t get me wrong, I understand the “hotness” of it. I guess. But seriously, tiny plaid skits and bare midriff tops? Can you get more generic for a Halloween costume?

From Stuff

You can’t tell me that blood does not rule.

I don’t quite remember what the idea for my costume was the next year. It just also involved lots of fake blood. I was apparently big on the covering myself in blood thing. Let’s not read to much into this, k?

From Stuff

Actually that year it was a super last minute costume. As in, fifteen minutes before the party. I was incredibly busy with various college things and was running a Zombie Movie Marathon Fundraiser that night. I wasn’t going to dress up or go to the party but a couple of my friends convinced me. I pretty much just dumped fake blood over myself in the English building’s downstairs bathroom. I sometimes wonder what the janitor must have thought when he went in there the next morning. Not that I left a mess but it was hard to avoid a few blood splatters…

What are some of your Halloween favorites? Any good ideas for costumes this year?