For a blog ostensibly about film, I sure haven’t talked about movies nearly enough lately. Which is ridiculous as there are actually quite a few around right now worth seeing.

Normally the summer months are the domain of blockbusters. Last year I was all about gettin me some Iron Man action. This summer however nothing on the large scale really appealed to me. Transformers 2? GI Joe? No thank you. Sure, Star Trek was great fun but Wolverine was beyond boring and please don’t get me started on Terminator. Infuriating.

Luckily, there has not been a dearth of quality in the theaters. It’s just not to be found in the large budget affairs. This summer, the films that are most worth seeing are the little guys.

So far, these have been my three favorites. I kind of want to see them all again. Depending on where you live, you should still be able to catch them.

(500) Days of Summer

I loved, loved, loved this movie. I am not really a romantic comedy kind of girl, even if I did go see The Ugly Truth, but 500 days is not your typical romantic comedy. It’s more accurate to focus on the comedy part, rather than the romance. It is a love story but it’s not the love story you might expect it to be. (500) Days is a whimsical look at the difficulties of love and dating. It’s upbeat and mostly nice but it’s also relateable. At least for me, a single 20 something in LA, it was.

Plus, how can you not love a movie with two leads as cute as these guys are?


Hurt Locker

Hurt Locker is wonderful. I’m not sure I really need to see another movie about this war. The word that came to mind immediately as the credits started to roll was “intense” and it’s a word I’ve heard many people use to describe this particular film going experience. I was at the edge of my seat, quite literally, the entire film. While there were some moments I found to be a little silly, this movie has so much going for it I’m willing to forgive them. The performances in particular stand out, Jeremy Renner really nails it as Sgt. James and the rest of the cast is solid as well. I can’t recommend Hurt Locker enough.

District 9

Neill Blomkamp’s sci fi flick about aliens in South Africa proves that a large budget is not always necessary, or even always desirable, for a special effects heavy action story. This movie has it all: monsters, explosions, gun fights, blood, space ships. Occasionally ridiculous, for the most part wonderful, it was all accomplished on a budget that is tiny compared to the standard $100+ million for all of the usual summer nonsense. Sure, the veiled digs at apartheid and racism are rather thin but seeing a story told from such a different perspective is a refreshing treat. I also enjoy how Blomkamp manages to integrate the faux-documentary approach into the narrative without getting carried away ala Cloverfield. District 9 is a must for any sci fi or action fans. It’s a rare thing, an action movie that actually focuses on character and story telling. What a concept!

These certainly aren’t the only movies out now worth seeing. Harry Potter was great for the HP fans, Julie and Julia is passable but Meryl Streep is phenomenal as always, and, hmm… what else? Drag Me To Hell is wonderful but you probably won’t find that playing anymore.

I’m a bit behind on others. I never did make it to Paper Hearts or Away We Go. Ponyo and Inglorious Basterds I also still need to get to.

What else is out there? What am I missing?