I went through a brief phase towards the end of high school when I could just not get enough of the romance novels. I don’t know how many I must have read but it’s not like they take that long… Continue Reading →
This is it, it’s finally here. Thursday. Maybe not as good as Friday but certainly better than Wednesday (minus the Reno Happy Hour of last night, that makes any Wednesday brilliant). There are lots of reasons why Thursday is a… Continue Reading →
Girl Talk Thursday! Yes, I know it’s Friday. My day yesterday allowed no time for the blogging. It was one of those 9 AM to Midnight kind of work days. Which between commute time and whatnot works out to something… Continue Reading →
This week’s GTT is about your five. You know… those five. The five freebies you’re allowed to have and it won’t be cheating. Or however that works. That is how it works, right? Straight up, this list is hard! Especially… Continue Reading →
Wow am I tired tonight. So tired that it took me three tries to spell “Girl” right. One of the things I’ve been trying to do with my unemployed time is workout regularly. I figure that once get another job… Continue Reading →
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