The Lady's Revenge

creativity without pants


31 Days of Horror

31 Days of Horror 2014: Day 7: Cursed (2005)

It being the full moon and all, I figured it would be a good idea to watch a werewolf movie. Unfortunately Netflix doesn’t seem to have many of those streaming. At least ones I haven’t already seen. So Cursed it… Continue Reading →

31 Days of Horror 2014: Day 6: The Pact

Was looking around the internet for some good Netflix horror suggestions and came across this list from The Complex. The whole list looks pretty solid, I figure I’ll try at least a few of these this month. I started with… Continue Reading →

31 Days of Horror 2014: Day 4: The Guest (2014)

Ooooooh man. This movie happened. Before I get into it though, quick weekend update. I obviously missed a movie yesterday do to work. Tomorrow, I’ll be on set all day for a short film shoot so that’s going to be… Continue Reading →

31 Days of Horror 2014: Day 2: Stage Fright (2014)

Oh this movie is very silly. Stage Fright hit my radar earlier this year when I was out in Austin at SXSW. It looked like a lot of fun, with its goofy premise and Kabuki make-up. So I’m excited it’s… Continue Reading →

31 Days of Horror 2014: Day 1: Beyond the Black Rainbow

I almost didn’t make it last night but I just barely managed to sit down at 11 PM (before midnight! Yay!) for some movie watching. I kicked off this year’s horror marathon with Beyond the Black Rainbow. Panos Cosmatos’s debut… Continue Reading →

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