Spreading myself out a bit here. DC, Williamsburg, Middle-of-nowhere (that I think was actually somewhere in the general direction of Manassas). It continues to be a lot of college friends and visits.
Unfortunately, starting tomorrow I need to put the adventuring on hold for a second. A family thing has come up (I hesitate to say Emergency but I honestly just don’t know yet). I’ll be in the midst of that as of tomorrow AM when I pick my mom up from Dulles. I don’t know how much about this I’m comfortable sharing yet, I don’t even really know the seriousness of it all, but it may be and I may not feel like being out there with it. I will continue to post something though I think and will definitely continue posting once my traveling and rambling resumes.
In the mean time, all is mostly well. I’ve started this new job. The next week will be devoted to work and family.
At least, it will be after trivia tonight. Trivia is happening. Along with more nonsense I’m quite sure. So we can all look forward to that.
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