This week’s Girl Talk Thursday topic is about roommates.

Roommates. I’ve sure had a lot of them. College, after college, now, I even had a roommate on an indie film I worked on once. We were shooting in Ft. Myers, FL and while I lived close-ish it was definitely too far for a daily commute. So the producer put most of the crew up in what used to be an assisted living facility. My roommate was the make-up artist and she was a really sweet girl with a boyfriend who built us awesome curtains out of a furni pad. The place was also haunted…

Miraculously I’m still on speaking terms with most of the people I’ve lived with and the rest it’s more of a lost touch kind of thing rather than a “She (or in one case He) was awful” kind of thing. I have good stories from a lot of the cohabitations but no real horror stories. Honestly, my roommates may have more horror stories about me than I have about them (just ask J about the now infamous Jameson night back in April. Or even better, DON’T).

Actually speaking of roommates, K and I have just passed our 2-year anniversary in Bonaparte House. We moved in October ’07. This just occurred to me. Right now. As I typed the above paragraph. Wow.

My Bonaparte Set on Flickr.

I love my house and my two roommates. Sure, we’ve had our spats, if you can even call them that. Occasionally something will be said about the dirty dishes, that sort of thing. For the most part though we all get along. We hangout, we have beer & pizza nights, we IM during the day when we’re all at work. There will be long email chains making elaborate plans for weekend activities. So what if there’s a honeycomb still stuck in our wall? Living at Bonaparte is great.

What are some of my favorite memories?

Since I don’t remember half of it, I can’t really qualify our first Halloween party as memorable per se. It was pretty epic though. A great crowd, good costumes, tasty snacks (spicy popcorn!), and a bit of scandal. Epic I tell you. Epic.

My 25th birthday was also pretty epic. K and I devouring a smorgasbord of bad for you food including I don’t even remember what. There was mac and cheese? That sort of thing. And a bottle of vodka… Then J joined us for bar adventures and general goofiness.

Speaking of birthdays, K’s surprise party this year was pretty great too.

Then there was the painting of the living room of which I was only marginally a part. I spent most of that day fighting with my old Ikea bed, trying to disassemble the damn thing. I helped paint one wall though!

Pretty much any day that’s involved a bike ride to the beach or visit to the farmer’s market has been awesome.

Or how about the night J came home late with her friend C and they decided I needed to join them for an impromptu dance party in the living room? I remember I was in bed, mostly asleep, when I became aware of whispering in the hall outside of my bedroom. Next thing I know the door is busting open and two drunk people are jumping on my bed. C picked me up, literally picked me up, spun me around, and announced that the dance party was on. What do you in the face of the craziness? Grab a beer and join it of course! I remember being spun around to the music of Justice a lot that night. It was great.

Sometimes the house feels small (it is a little), sometimes the landlord drives us nuts (leaking shower anyone?), and sometimes we all just need our alone time. Overall though, we’re three kinda nutty girls who get along and over the last two years have become close friends. I love my Bonaparte Bitches. I can’t imagine two ladies I’d enjoy living with more.