This week’s GTT is about your five. You know… those five. The five freebies you’re allowed to have and it won’t be cheating. Or however that works. That is how it works, right?

Straight up, this list is hard! Especially working out here in LA land. Like, I might actually meet these people someday! And work with them. And have them become my best friends. And, um, I’m not creepy? I’ve all ready eliminated Michael Vartan off the list cause I’ve seen him irl (Hottest man I’ve ever seen) and crossing this over into reality seems to take away some of the fun of the fantasy. Or maybe that’s just me.

I also change my mind a lot.

1. Johnny Depp

Been in love with him forever. No way he wasn’t getting on this list. I don’t remember when it started, but I do know I watched Chocolat countless times because of him.

2. Gerad Butler

I watched The Ugly Truth for him. That’s commitment to a cause right there.

3. Robert Downey Jr.

I blame Ally Mcbeal. For the crush part at least. I also think he’s a fantastic actor and I’m very, truly happy that he seems to have gotten his life together.

4. Nathon Fillion

Everytime I hear “Bam, said the lady” or some variation thereof I get all tingly. He’s just so cute!

5. Russell Crowe

Maybe not always but for sure in the L.A. Confidential Bud White mode. Also a fan of the 3:10 to Yuma Russell. And a few others. Something about the bad guy or the tough guy who can still do good. 
I feel like all of these guys sort of fall into the same sort of physical category. Am I really this predictable? I guess I’m a sucker for tall, dark, and handsome. Also, good arms. I’m totally a sucker for good arms.


Okay, so after reading a few other lists I just have to add a few honorable mentions here. So many cute guys to drool over!

Hugh Jackman
George Clooney – I adore him. I once even had a dream we made out in a pink hair salon. Okay, maybe that’s just a little weird and TMI…
Jason Bateman
Taye Diggs – He is so beautiful
Jonny Lee Miller – I had SUCH a crush on him after Hackers. HA!
Justin Long – I know, nerd.

And, last but certainly not least, Alexander Skarsgard.

 I am definitely a Vampire Eric girl. I actually almost, almost put him on my list. I’d say he’s number 6. Although, ask me in another week and he may move up…